⚠️ URGENT NOTICE: Beware of Fake (.SHOP) Website Impersonating British Audio

It has come to our attention that a fraudulent website using the domain .shop is impersonating British Audio and attempting to steal credit card information. Please be cautious and ensure you are on our legitimate website.

To verify you are on the official British Audio website:

  • Check the URL: Make sure the website address in your browser starts with https://www.britishaudio.com.
  • Avoid .shop Domains: Be aware that the fake site is using a .shop domain. Our official site will never use this.
  • Look for the padlock: Ensure there is a padlock icon in the address bar, indicating a secure connection.
  • Contact Us: If you have any doubts or encounter a suspicious website, please contact us immediately at sales@britishaudio.com.

Your security is our top priority. We are taking steps to address this issue, and we appreciate your vigilance.

Thank you for trusting British Audio.